Explore Continuum Movement

Event Details

This event is running from 5 June 2024 until 18 December 2024. It is next occurring on June 5, 2024 11:00 am

Continuum Movement (continuummovement.com) is a phenomenal somatics practice devised by Emilie Conrad Da’oud.  Beckah Reed guides one through the various sounds, breaths, lush sensations, and fluid movements in a way that promotes creativity, opening to the very real possibilities of self-healing and innovation in living!  The practice invites the letting go of gravity, therefore generally lying on the ground/bed/mat initiates the relaxation process for a quite powerful sound and movement experience.  An hour in a “dive” (what the experience is called) can be as effective a work-out as a long walk, run, or bike ride, and tends to be much gentler.

There is no right or wrong, to move or sound ‘correctly’ is not the focus, but instead, learning to trust the wisdom of one’s moving body, listening to its needs and journey, while inviting in the lush, fluid possibilities of ease, mystery, inquiry, and play is the opportunity.

Beckah Reed believes in the integration of body, mind, and spirit.  She enjoys her work in somatics, focusing on transformation through subtle energies, inviting wholeness for groups and individuals for over two decades. She is a Master Reiki Practitioner, an Authorized Teacher in Training of Continuum Movement with training in Hun Yuan Taiji and Qigong, Transcendental Meditation, as well as other healing modalities. Currently, she loves her work with horses and humans (zenhorse.org and beckahreed.com).

Wednesdays; 10-Noon CDT; Red Chair Studios, 2319 Cherokee, St Louis, MO 63118  USA; $15 per class

Registration:  [email protected]; Pre-registration required