Module 3: ANATOMY I (Virtual 10-3pm ET)
Prerequisite module 1
- Focus – A biological and cellular overview of the human body as a fluid bio-system existing within a biosphere
As students deepen into the experience of conventional perspectives of anatomy, they will also learn the transformational aspects of tissue and fluids.
- Continuum explores anatomy as a dynamic fluid system instead of the more common mechanistic model that is often taught.
- Our study of anatomy is one of the living body, the flowing, ever-changing body.
- In addition to studying the “body” as a defined boundary that features a head, two arms and legs, and body systems that encompass very specific locales, students will recognize that the body is mutable, multi-functional, and contains a process that is not defined by boundaries.
- What Continuum calls a “body” is movement – a fractal dance of cells, molecules, and interpenetrating wave motions.
- All of these movements stabilize in order to function in the environment of planet earth. Beyond conventional functioning exist domains of an unfathomable fluid mystery. Students will learn how this legacy of our primordial pulsating, undulating environment of blood, organs, membranes, and connective tissue has been largely forgotten.
- Students will learn an overview of the three different groupings of our human bio-system, often called levels of cellular organization, where one cell is the basic level or unit of cellular organization, tissue is the second level, then organs. Cellular and subcellular consciousness will be explored in class.
- The body’s four basic types of tissue will be covered; connective – muscle – nervous – epithelial tissues, including their basic roles, location, and their relationship to form-dissolve and structure-tensegrity.
- Plus, a technical and experiential introduction to the organ system through the lens of fluid dynamics will be explored.
Practicum– Students will present a private class/session geared toward an individual and receive feedback first from peers and then teachers.
Click here for the cost of the individual modules or information on several of our scholarship programs.
Continuum Movement® is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider#400918-00.