“Continuum is about the artistry of human existence… an inquiry into creative flourishing:” – Emilie Conrad

When Emilie asked me to carry the vision of Continuum it was one of the most moving and transformative experiences of my life. For these many years that we have been so close, we have always recognized that we had a shared vision. We had been discussing the transition of Continuum for the past fourteen years, but we both felt we had so much more time. Life did not give us that gift though.

I have been asked to steward Continuum through this time period. My hope and prayer is that the teaching body itself finds a way to create a true Continuum Movement organization. 

The future of Continuum 
Inquiry is central to Continuum core values. 
The inquiry that the Continuum Movement teachers are starting to embark on is: 
     1. Can there be a form of community where everyone is respected and has a voice? 
    2. Can we work from a biological model of functioning instead of a mechanical hierarchal model? 
    3. How does the Continuum work continue to be a living process?

I have asked the teachers to work toward creating an organization that would honor Continuum values and Emilie’s vision and legacy.

Already many are stepping up into leadership roles within Continuum. The stewarding, the direction of Continuum is already being shared by both the advisory board and the teachers board of Continuum. The advisory board has worked very hard and is carrying out the many tasks that Emilie Conrad asked of them. The teachers board has taken on the function of working with and helping to decide who will be Continuum Movement teachers. Creating new Continuum teachers is now a democratic voted decision of teachers that Emilie asked to help carry on this task.

I enclose notes taken from an advisory council meeting before Emilie died that Beth Pettengill Riley, Elaine Colandrea, Marcella Bottero, Gael Rosewood and myself were present at. 
Our new future community will hopefully embrace these core principles, values and contain the elements and design that we hold so dear.

Principles and Values

• Innovation
• Creating circumstances for alternate systems to emerge
• The versatility of the system and broadening the definition of human life • Everything is an expression of context
• Expanding the space/time continuum
• Open attention is integral to the practice
• Self-empowerment: holding the pure potential of each person and each person’s inquiry
• High value for direct experience
• Inclusivity (implicate order.. including the history of life)
• Unique to the times, responsive to the times
• Propelling a broader view of the field of somatics
• Increasing the subtle streams of sensory engagement
• Creating a broader band of capability
• Approaching the body as a democracy, no hierarchy
• Health artistry

Elements (traditions referred to):

• Biological template as the diving board into inquiry.
• Creativity is paramount: Art (writing, choreography, visual art)     Acting/Actors Studio/Drama, Theater Choreography
• Haitian influences
• Cranial-Sacral and Osteopathic principles and understandings 

• Physical Experience is the primary entry point


• Continuum is an inquiry
• New material emerges out of movement work itself
• Very detailed specificity is maintained without rigidity
• Expanding the time/space continuum 

I look forward to going into the world with our amazing teaching community, to allow the continuing unfolding of the great mystery that is Continuum.

Donnalea Van Vleet Goelz