This is the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice that all Authorized Continuum Movement Teachers agree to and abide by according to their agreement

Continuum Movement®

Continuum Movement Scope of Practice

Continuum was introduced in the late 1950’s by Emilie Conrad. One of her main values was to make available to others the deep sense of exploring the inner movement to the very impulses from which we are born every moment. . . every NOW. Within the waters of our being lie unfathomable feelings that allow us to surface and walk on dry land, keeping the energy of swimming.

“. . . I can feel the waters of my eternal ocean beckoning to me with sweeps of wave motion. . .   My head disappears under water, my hands become a blur, my ‘body’ is permeable, and my skin no longer wraps around me. I am this water. I am these waves.” — Emilie Conrad

Continuum Movement is a dynamic inquiry into what it is to be a human being, providing a method to consciously explore yourself as an unfolding biological extension of a planetary process.

The Theory and Practice of Continuum Movement Incorporates Several Core Values:
Core values of Continuum are the creation of health, wellness, and innovation by accessing the body’s essential fluid system to free oneself from cultural and mechanistic constraints of modern living. Continuum maintains movement is the message and the way, it is not something that we do, we are movement. Water’s interplay of movement is information that shapes our being, and the fact that our body is composed mostly of water is significant in our self-realization. Continuum is a bio-creative process of learning to fluidly meet any limit, in any aspect of our living, by exploring our natural state using breath, sound, and somatic based movement. It thrives on openness and a curiosity for what is possible.

As an organization, Continuum is the “body” through which our values are carried out. Continuum Movement is a process that enhances our personal practice and everyday life.  It is a unique inquiry into the true nature of oneself: kindness, compassion, conscious awareness and connection to everything in our world and beyond.

Continuum Movement taps into the human potential by allowing the body to lead the way through sound, breath and movement. How is this possible? The body has the potential to be like a sounding/tuning fork resonating with things the eye can not see nor can the mind easily conceive. In this unique discovery process the mind opens, is curious and learns new ways of communicating with self and others. Doorways to compassion, kindness and respect emerge that are breathtaking, exciting and alive.



Continuum Movement Code of Ethics
An Authorized Continuum Movement Teacher (CMT):

Agrees to conduct his or her movement practice according to the Continuum Movement Scope of Practice and adheres to the following values:

  • To be honest in dealing with the public and colleagues
  • Not to diagnose or prescribe for medical conditions
  • To refrain from any behavior that demeans or disempowers the student or client
  • To avoid the exploitation of the trust and dependency of others, including clients and employees
  • To clearly identify and give credit to ideas, techniques, and principles derived from other people, disciplines, and modalities within the field when teaching or sharing them

Teacher’s Responsibilities:

  • Provide a safe physical setting that meets all applicable legal requirements for health and safety
  • Maintain adequate and customary liability insurance
  • Obtain informed consent from the client prior to providing services
  • Make financial arrangements in advance that are clearly understood by and safeguard the best interests of the consumer
  • Make appropriate referrals for clients to other professionals when needed
  • Recognize the value of constructive feedback from clients in sessions, students in classes, and participants in research, and strive to work professionally, self-critically, and creatively within the inherent holism of somatic work
  • Be prompt with annual payment of CM Teacher dues

Self-Representation as a Professional:

  • Honestly represent all professional qualifications and affiliations
  • Only use the initials CMT to designate his or her professional ability when in good standing with Continuum Movement Inc
  • Promote his or her business with integrity and avoid potential and actual conflicts of interest
  • Not use sensational, sexual, or provocative language or images to promote business
  • Advertise in a manner that is honest, dignified, and representative of services that can be delivered and remain consistent with the Continuum Movement Code of Ethics
  • Submit to peer review processes conducted by Continuum Movement’s Ethics and Standards Committee in the case of any alleged violations of the Code of Ethics or Standards of Practice

Legal Rights and Compliance

  • Obey all applicable local, regional and national laws, including obtaining and maintaining business licensing and professional registration required by the nation, state, province, or local jurisdiction in which the practitioner practices
  • Refrain from being discriminatory towards clients (relative to age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic status)
  • Report to Continuum Movement any criminal convictions regarding his/her practice
  • Report to Continuum Movement any pending litigation and resulting resolution related to his/her practice
  • Respect existing publishing rights and copyright laws

Professional Boundaries in Relationships

  • Be responsible to create a clear demarcation in, and ensure that both parties are aware of, the shift from the client-practitioner session to the social setting of the personal relationship
  • Acknowledge and respect the client’s freedom of choice and right to refuse services
  • Understand that sexual intimacy is inappropriate, as is the use of touch on any part of the client’s body with which he or she is not comfortable (as part of the individual or group in a therapeutic and/or educational setting)
  • Refrain from becoming sexually involved with a current client even if the client initiates or consents to the contact
  • Consult with a colleague or other professional before becoming sexually involved with a former client
  • Comply with all local, regional and national laws regarding sexual harassment

Student – Teacher Confidentiality

  • The Authorized Continuum Movement Teacher (CMT) shall respect the confidentiality of the students. In his or her professional role the registered teacher shall:
    • Protect the student’s identity and pertinent information in conversations, written communications, and all other manners unless requested by the client in writing, medically necessary, or mandated by law
    • Protect the interests of clients who are minors or who are unable to give voluntary consent by securing permission from an appropriate third party or guardian
    • Solicit only information that is relevant to the professional client/teacher relationship
    • Share pertinent information about the client with third parties only when required by law
    • Maintain the client files for a minimum period of three years and store and dispose of client files in a secure manner

Inter-collegial Relationships

The Authorized Continuum Movement Teacher (CMT) will never falsely impugn the reputation of any colleague.

Grievance Procedures

The Authorized Continuum Movement Teacher (CMT) must provide the opportunity for clients, students, or teachers to contact Continuum Movement and file a grievance if they have complaints regarding the ethical conduct of the teacher. Notification of Continuum Movement’s interest in hearing about the complaint must be given to the client or student within one week after the complaint is registered with the practitioner.