In my dream I was riding a wave. When I awoke the words, ‘It’s time to catch a wave’ were pulsing through me. After raising a family, teaching elementary school, and practicing various healing modalities, a portal opened before me – Continuum – an invitation to immerse myself in the soft, undulating, transformative spirit of water. This was the beginning of my initiation into the field of Continuum.
Diving deep, I began exploring the work of Emilie Conrad and found all aspects of my life being shaped by the depth, scope and expansive consciousness of this new ocean of awareness. Immersing myself in the fluid field – breath, sound and movement – I came to embody the teachings and continue to discover how this practice profoundly affects relationships at all levels – touching our ‘soma,’ – the informed wholeness of our lived experiences, human connections within a cohesive field, and our natural resonance with the intelligence of our planet and the cosmos.
I look forward to connecting with others who have also been drawn to Continuum Movement. Emilie said, ‘I created a wave and rode it!’ Likewise, I find myself riding the wave – responsive in the moment and open to new directions. I’m excited about teaching and sharing with others this potent and ever-evolving field.
Graduated from the teacher training modules July 2020.