All Profiles >Romanie Bosman

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About Romanie Bosman

Born in the Netherlands, Romanie Bosman MA, CMA, CMT is a qualified and experienced dance therapist. She obtained her Master’s degree in Dance Therapy at…

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Email: [email protected]


Born in the Netherlands, Romanie Bosman MA, CMA, CMT is a qualified and experienced dance therapist. She obtained her Master’s degree in Dance Therapy at Codarts University of the Arts in Rotterdam. She’s also a Certified Movement Analyst according to the Laban / Bartenieff Movement System (LBMS), for which she received her training at the source: the Laban / Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies (LIMS) in New York. In the spring of 2017 she founded her own practice Beyond Dance practice for Dance and Movement Therapy, Beyond Dance specializes in trauma treatment and the treatment of anxiety disorders, whether or not accompanied by depression and, as is often the case, physical complaints.

She was a member of the first graduating European Continuum Movement Training Program (CMTP).  She is honored to be an Authorized Teacher of Continuum Movement® and inspired to integrate this deep knowledge into her practice in the field of somatic movement therapy and education.


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Register FVB/NVDAT:105818
FVB staat voor Federatie Vaktherapeutische Beroepen.
FVB stands for Federation of Professional Therapy Professions.

Register NFG: 8667
Nederlandse Federatie Gezondheidzorg
Dutch Healthcare Federation

Licentie RBCZ: 180146R
Stichting RBCZ

De stichting RBCZ is een overkoepelende organisatie die beroepsbeoefenaren van de complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen (artsen en therapeuten op Hbo-niveau) certificeert en registreert.

RBCZ behartigt de algemene belangen van de aangesloten beroepsbeoefenaren van de complementaire en alternatieve geneeswijzen en is een onafhankelijke intermediair tussen beroepsorganisaties, de zorgverzekeraars en cliënten.

RBCZ Foundation
The RBCZ foundation is an umbrella organization that certifies and registers professionals of complementary and alternative medicine (doctors and therapists at HBO level).

RBCZ represents the general interests of the affiliated professionals of complementary and alternative medicine and is an independent intermediary between professional organizations, health insurers and clients.