Dearest Continuum Community,
On January 2, 2014 I had the honor of being taped in discussion with Emilie Conrad about Continuum, trust in the creative process, and the writing of my book, Donny and Ursula Save the World.
In addition to being one of the early Continuum teachers, I am also a writer. Emilie and I have collaborated on numerous writing and video projects that have presented Continuum to the public. She has also directed me in two one women shows.
The wonders of Continuum have greatly influenced my writing, my approach to character, and my complex imagination; and Emilie wanted to capture this on video.
Emilie is robust, keen and playful as she leads us through an extension of the ongoing conversation we’ve been having for years.
Please join us.
With great pleasure,
Sharon Weil
Continuum and Writing. 21:00
This excerpt focuses on the influences of Continuum on Sharon’s writing process. “…Being able to enter from anywhere and track the story in sensation.”
Eros 4:44
Emilie and Sharon discuss the life force of Eros as the necessary fire that burns through fear.
Movement and Creativity 59:40
The whole enchilada. The entire interview where Emilie and Sharon discuss movement, creativity, trust, and heeding the call.
For more information about Sharon Weil:,,