Module I
Focus: Breath and Sound I: Wave Motion

Continuum proposes that the primary characteristic of any fluid system is its ability to keep transforming itself. Inquiring into our Fluid Nature, students develop the capacity to understand a potentially dynamic, multi-dimensional perspective of human awareness and omni-directional movement. Study is designed to deepen the student’s ability to notice and sustain sensory awareness, and track experiences of flow which invoke the fluid system internally by creating a mix of interpenetrating cues and signals. These signals become wave motions that are carried through the watery substances of the body, softening our defenses and arousing the life force in the matrix of every tissue, bone and cell. Our inquiry into Wave Motion, investigating how principles of fluid dynamics permeate bodymind processes, and implications for a global body experience of becoming. Students learn the significance that all fluids, whether in the cell, the body or the planet, function as a resonant intelligent whole and can never be separated. In Continuum, we refer to this entirety as the fluid system and recognize its essential and ancestral role in healing, movement and fundamental wisdom. Students learn that by amplifying wave motion through movement, our entire body resonates as a fluid, vital whole. All of Continuum’s teachings are designed to quicken and enrich the fluid system, invoking its genius to transform structure and foster the art of self-renewal.

Practicum- Students will present a class and receive feedback first from peers and then teachers.