Becoming a “Broadband Virtuoso”

Event Details

This event finished on 28 October 2024

“In using the term ‘Broadband Virtuoso’ I am pointing to the immensity of internal abundance that is available to us, and what we could become if we tapped into it.” EC

As a metaphor for how we perceive and participate with life, Emilie referred to “The Three Anatomies” (Cultural, Primordial and Cosmic), different lenses through which we may experience what’s going on around us. In a dive, as in life, shifting one’s attention and considering a new perspective has the potential to open up the habitual realms of our worlds to uncover new possibilities. “The Three Anatomies” correspond in an approximate way to “Circles of Meaning,” developed by Dr. Gary David, as a model for learning, showing the Social and Phenomenal Orders, contained within a greater sphere of a lifetime journey, from Birth to Death. Like layering in a dive, in exploring both the similarities and differences between these metaphors, I find the unexpected: expanded perspectives, deeper understandings and a complexification of possibilities in our human evolution. In this three-week series there will be opportunities for dialogue and taking our explorations into a dive.

“I am implying that depending on what is necessary at the moment we can shift our structural thought and tissue simultaneously in order to enrich the world we inhabit and, consequently, the world we are creating.” EC

Format: Delivered via Zoom. Wear comfortable clothing that allows for free movement, and have a yoga mat and a couple of blankets handy. To support the creation of a  ‘container’ for a Continuum practice please join the call from a quiet area where you can settle into a sacred space.

Dates: Sept. 9, 16, 23

Times: 9:30 am – 11:30 am PDT
(12:30 pm – 2:30 pm EDT)

Cost: $75 CAN
